Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dear Eva,
You are such a great example to me! I love how you have a positive attitude about everything. I know that you always were doing the right thing and so I was wondering if you could help me out because I have a problem. There is a girl at my school that all of my friends and I are friends with. She has a class with us but sometimes some of my friends are mean to her. We hang out on the weekends and we all invite her but when she comes everyone just complains and acts all surprised that she's there and it confuses me because we all invite her. I wonder why everyone is mean to her. I know they are all kidding and she knows we're kidding to but sometimes I feel as if we are really putting her down. We all tell her we love her and we all encourage each other and we all joke around with everyone and tell each other the same stuff but i just feel like we are really picking on her most of the time. How do I make it so my friends will stop? How can I stand up for her if we are all just joking around? Please help me!

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