Monday, December 12, 2011

Katy Moore, P. 6

After finishing Ray Bradbury's novel "Farenheit 451" I was extremely impressesed with his nearly pshycic understanding of the future. With walls and ear bees being so close to big screen TVs and ear buds, he could have influenced many inventors to go big with their inventions. His story was so unique and far-fetched, where did his inspiration for it really come from? Sure, he says that the characters came out and told him his story, but how did he really come up with the idea for a book so different from all the others around him. Being dystopian, our main character faces change and the will to escape from the world he's surrounded by and start over, did Ray ever feel that way when he was growing up or just living in the world? His love for knowledge and everything around him is shown through Clarrise, whom he says is really him. This mysterious book has changed the way our world works, and will influence readers for many years yet to come.

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