Friday, September 23, 2011

The Invisible Girl #611

Here we go again, I thought hopelessly as , for what felt like the millionth time that year, the doors to the gym locker swung shut. It closed with a resounding thud, like the door to a tomb and if we were playing the regular game it would probably be my tomb. As I searched for evidence of the obvious, I prayed that my team would contain at least two of the bigger kids. After about three seconds of careful searching I found the evidence of my death, the big bag of foam balls signaling that dodge ball would be played today and per usual I would be the last one standing. Not because I was any good, but because no one ever threw a ball my way, even though I claimed the line as my territory. I could have easily sat down but to escape the ire of my teachers I would be standing, not playing, for a solid forty-ish minutes. As I stood at the line awaiting the inevitable moment when I would be alone an insight whacked me in the gut, but that could have been a dodge ball. I am the invisible girl, the insight hissed in my ear. Of course it was completely correct. No one ever noticed me in our shrinking school. Then I realized I was the last one in, I started cowering.


  1. I really like your word choice, it makes the reader feel like they are you in that situation. You did a really good job of showing!
    -Carleigh Penrod p. 5

  2. This puts a very realistic picture in the mind. I love it. Good job!
