You are quite the honorable man. When I first read about you, I thought you were a little weird. You are always happy and friendly, Especially to Tom. Even though you are quite the likable person, you still support slavery. Some people think even though some slave owners are good to their slaves, they are just as bad as a tyrannical owner. So, Why do you participate?
All of your slaves are treated very well, but if they aren't set free, in the end they are just property. Its like taking care of a pet. They are comforting to have around, but they are property. They can't do everything that we do.
You always try to do what you think is right, even though it may not be the best decision. You cared about Eva, to the point that you would only go on through life because of her. When she died, you had more emotion than Marie ever had. You tried to help your slaves, after that.
William Hurley
Period #2