Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Advice Column by Karli Maynes Pd.4

Dearest Prue,
So much have I wished to talk with you. You are gone now and I never got the chance. I feel like we were very much alike in all but one way. You never got the chance to change your life. Miss 'Feely is helpin' me to be good and will soon set me to freedom. There are just a few things that I really need some advice bout. For future reference I wanna know how you managed to be a good mother despite your previous challenges and the fact that your child wasn't voluntarily yours. Fortunately I am not even close to having children and I'm pretty sure I'll be free when I have my first. I am just surprised by the stories I have heard from my friends about the terrible ways your kids were separated from you. It is terrible that a human being would be bread for children to sell. The worst and I'm sure hardest one to get through was when your little baby you thought you would keep for longest was murdered(you could say) by the horrible missis that caused your little one to starve. You used the wrong way of lessening your pain but before the tragedy you still loved the baby even though he was a result of abuse. I am not sure if I could treat a baby the same and I need some advice.

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