Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Carleigh Penrod p.5
Ray Bradbury and F451
Thank you so much for a great read!
Bobbie Wilde P.6
Thoughts on Fahrenheit 451
-Emily Wahlquist
6th Period 12-8-11
Monday, December 12, 2011
Interview extra credit #13
What advice would you give young writers today that helped you as you wrote f451?
Back when you were writing f451 did you fear that one day you would see a future like that one?
Even today, as books are still an important part of our community, many teens and even adults don't like to read. What would you tell them to encourage them to broaden their reading experiences?
Have you ever thought about what happened to your characters after their story ended?
Did your family support you in choosing to be a writer and writing such new genres?
There were no children really introduced in F451, did you ever consider making a child a character in your book?
Were you afraid when you realized that a lot of your wild predictions were actually pretty close to life and technology today?
Extra Credit Jillian Brinton 6th
Josie Harris P.5
Katy Moore, P. 6
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Mindy Jessop 6th period
Extra Credit- Sarah Nelson
Our society will turn corrupt if ordinary people turn away from books, reading, and the habit of thought. Thoughts begin everything. They give ideas on what to think, say, and do. If you take that away, all things fall apart and us(as human beings) become numb and indifferent. He says that this book is about political and social atmosphere; impact of TV, radio, media, and the lack of education. Our society still has a long way to go with its education system. It is all about attitude.
Bradbury says that the characters speak and teach him. I wonder how that works if he is the one that brings them to life. How does he let them "just speak" to him? Ray has always had hope for the future; he always believes in himself. He says, "Reading is the center of our lives. The library is our brain. Without the library, you have no civilization."
Alex Burns 5th Period Extra Credit
How did he do it? How did he predict the technology and the behavior of society 50 years in the future?
He claims in his interview that his characters speak to him. He is simply wrote down what they were saying. Is it just me or is that a little creepy? This man lets the voices in his head write a story and 50 years later it its found that the story is a near mirror to us today. Could he be predicting the future? It sounds ridiculous, but that is the only answer that I can think of. That or it's one heck of a coincidence.
Ray Bradbury, What do you mean by your characters telling you their story, and why/how are they predicting the future? What is your take on your own fictional writing becoming truth?
Riley Richmond- Extra Credit 9th Honors
Parker Hill Extra Credit
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is a dytopian novel that takes place 2300's. In the novel Bradbury had many devices that were similar to modern day devices. Such as seashell radios, and wall screens. He also had a exaggerated version of the society that we have today where nobody really interacts with each other, virtual reality is reality for some people, and nobody reads books. I didn't really expect to like this book but it was definately the best book we have read in honors english so far. I'm also really looking forward to the remake of 1966 movie version of this book. I know it will be amazing and I also know it will fit in great with what is popular these days. Hopefully they will have a good cast and a big enough budget to make it as good as it has the potential to be. Overall, this was an amazing book with a really eye opening message.
Extra Credit by Janelle
Extra Credit - William Hurley
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Extra Credit Ammon Mills
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Quote by Conner Wilkinson
Monday, November 14, 2011
Random Quote
I don't know who said this but I like it.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
By: Savannah Utley/ #13
R. E. Remkes.
Also, a note to readers. Dark Temptation is only about half of the way done (being the longest and most complete of my novels) and I went ahead and began the sequel Dark Fayte already, so if you read it and find yourself confused, don't worry you are not alone, and you will be let in on the BIG EVENT when I finish the first novel. Thank you, and enjoy! :D
Monday, October 24, 2011
You can do it!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
My New Blog!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wisdom: Marketing in Maycomb
This project was done by Zachary, Brandy, Savannah, Rilie. The rest of this project was done on a poster which location is unknown.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Unity Community: Marketing Maycomb
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Anonymous 9th grade blogger
I discovered I have found joy in pointing out others' flaws. Is it because I'm just a cruel person laughs at others pains, or perhaps because I'm so flawed myself?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Quote of the Day
This quote is for all of my fellow procrastinators. :)
-Alex Burns
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Savannah Utley's Blog.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
While I was rocking back and forth on the swing, I overheard a man yelling at his wife. It made me feel sad to see that she was bowing her head down low in attempt to hide from him and the rest of the world. He was saying crude words to her, and by her actions, I could tell she did not enjoy being humiliated in public one bit. The long brown bench they were sitting on sat close to the playground, allowing all of the children to hear their argumentativeness. All I wanted to do was march right up to the contentious man and tell him that he was being mean, and to demand him to stop shouting. I stayed on the uncomfortable swing, and tried my hardest to build up just a small dose of confidence. The woman whispered to her husband, “You need to stop this. Please don’t yell at me in public, especially a park. There are children here.” He continued to holler at her, brushing off every word she had just said. Once I reached a good amount of confidence, I looked up, my spirits dampened to the view that the loud man and his wife had left while I was pondering what to say. For the rest of the day, I couldn’t help but feel that it was my fault that the lady was miserable.
The Hero #617
Will the laughing ever stop? It taunts from all directions. I’ve always been cautious. How could it have come to this? If only he hadn’t noticed or at least hadn’t said anything. I thought I hid it so well. I look around at the mocking faces for any one that I could reach out to for help, but the taunting just continues with no sign of rescuing. I don’t know what to do. The burning in my faces gets warmer, telling me that I know look like a bright tomato. My instinct is to do the thing I was born to do, run. I’ve ran from everything in my life; I haven’t been able to stand up to anything. That might be the big reason why this treacherous moment has fallen upon me.